Necessity Is the Mother of Frittata

For Connie

Frittata is the perfect kitchen-sink dish for using up leftovers, for impressing your brunch guests without a ton of work, or for reheating out of the freezer for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I suggest accompanying it with some spring greens or arugula that you’ve dressed lightly with vinaigrette.


  • 15 eggs (see below for notes on scaling)
  • 1½ c half and half, whole milk, or cream
  • ½ t salt
  • ¼ t dried chervil
  • ¼ t dried basil
  • Generous grind of black pepper
  • Generous grind of fresh nutmeg (or a large pinch if you’re using pre-ground nutmeg)
  • 3–5 cups of various filling ingredients of your choice (see below)
  • 3 T chopped fresh parsley, cilantro, and/or basil
  • ¼ c grated Parmesan (or Romano or Asiago cheese)


A Perfect Saturday Morning Breakfast


  • 1 batch of blueberry scones
  • 6 eggs, scrambled, seasoned with salt, pepper, and a pinch of Cajun spices
  • 12 oz. bacon, fried until crisp, drained on paper towels
  • 1 pint nonfat Greek-style yogurt
  • Fresh fruit (cantaloupe, honeydew melon, grapes, kiwis, and strawberries)
  • Lots of coffee
  • 1 amateur chef
  • 2 hungry friends
  • 1 breezy, sunny day with nothing that urgently needs to get done


In a cozy Galveston weekend house, combine all ingredients in no big hurry. Later, walk on the beach for an hour. Follow with nap if desired.