Scone Variation: Ginger‑Yam

Three yams

Thirty-one days of talking about fitness and eating better are all well and good, but we must not neglect life’s simple pleasures. I have a busy day scheduled—a meeting with my business partner, two meetings with clients, and a big project that’s ready for finishing touches before it goes to the printer. But in the interest of setting a joyful tone for the day, I reserved half an hour this morning to get a batch of scones into the oven.

With the encouragement of my friend and coach Gika Rector, I’ve been giving some thought lately to cooking as an art form. I’m overdue for grocery-shopping, so today’s performance started from the concept “What’s hiding in the pantry?” A can of yams and the last bit of a bag of crystallized ginger became my inspiration. (I also found some vacuum-packed salmon, but my artistic vision wasn’t bold enough for fish scones—yet.)

(Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.) …[MORE]

Scone Variation: Chocolate Chocolate-Chip

I came up with this recipe and made it for the first time this morning. I’ve only eaten one of them, but I’m ready to call this an “instant classic,” a candidate for my scone hall of fame.

(Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.) …[MORE]

A Perfect Saturday Morning Breakfast


  • 1 batch of blueberry scones
  • 6 eggs, scrambled, seasoned with salt, pepper, and a pinch of Cajun spices
  • 12 oz. bacon, fried until crisp, drained on paper towels
  • 1 pint nonfat Greek-style yogurt
  • Fresh fruit (cantaloupe, honeydew melon, grapes, kiwis, and strawberries)
  • Lots of coffee
  • 1 amateur chef
  • 2 hungry friends
  • 1 breezy, sunny day with nothing that urgently needs to get done


In a cozy Galveston weekend house, combine all ingredients in no big hurry. Later, walk on the beach for an hour. Follow with nap if desired.

Scone Variation: Apple Cinnamon Crunch

Green apple with cinnamon
Here’s another scone variation that’s been very well received by my tasters. They’re made with apples, so they must be good for you, right?

(Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.) …[MORE]

Scone Variation: Cranberry Orange

Orange and cranberriesThis is one of my most popular scone recipe variations. Dipping the scones into a powdered-sugar/juice glaze while they’re still warm gives them a crunchy, sweet-tart crust. (Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.) …[MORE]