I came up with this recipe and made it for the first time this morning. I’ve only eaten one of them, but I’m ready to call this an “instant classic,†a candidate for my scone hall of fame.
(Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.)
- 1 batch of blueberry scones
- 6 eggs, scrambled, seasoned with salt, pepper, and a pinch of Cajun spices
- 12 oz. bacon, fried until crisp, drained on paper towels
- 1 pint nonfat Greek-style yogurt
- Fresh fruit (cantaloupe, honeydew melon, grapes, kiwis, and strawberries)
- Lots of coffee
- 1 amateur chef
- 2 hungry friends
- 1 breezy, sunny day with nothing that urgently needs to get done
In a cozy Galveston weekend house, combine all ingredients in no big hurry. Later, walk on the beach for an hour. Follow with nap if desired.
Last Saturday I took part in a workshop at Studio NiaMoves called “Exploring Mindful Eating.†Personal chef and food consultant Adam Miles talked about how human beings develop issues with food, and what we can do about it. His premise is that we start out with an instinctive ability to eat right, eat only when we’re hungry, and enjoy what we eat, but that we pick up bad habits, bad information, and a twisted relationship with food as we grow up. We learn to eat the wrong things, for the wrong reasons. But we can unlearn.

Here’s another scone variation that’s been very well received by my tasters. They’re made with apples, so they must be good for you, right?
(Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.)
This is one of my most popular scone recipe variations. Dipping the scones into a powdered-sugar/juice glaze while they’re still warm gives them a crunchy, sweet-tart crust. (Start with the basic scone recipe and instructions.)
The scone recipe on which I’ve based my variations comes from the Alice Bay Cookbook by Julie Wilkinson Rousseau, care of my dear friend and sous-chef, Julie Brown. It contains recipes from the Alice Bay Bed and Breakfast. I don’t want to violate the copyright by reprinting the instructions, but here’s my slightly modified version of the ingredient list for that recipe, which you’ll need if you’re going to attempt
This beverage doesn’t fool me into thinking I’m drinking a milk shake. But I still enjoy it a lot.
I made polenta for the first time at Christmas, but I found the stovetop method tedious and time-consuming. Then I had the idea to try making it in a rice steamer. I couldn’t find a recipe online that I liked, so I made up my own. I was very happy with the results, so here it is.
 Scone variations: (clockwise from top): Peanut butter frosted, potato and English cheddar, and chocolate crunch. A lot of people have asked for my scone recipes. The truth is, I have one basic recipe, but I improvise every time I make scones. Take a look at the basic scone recipe, and then come back here to read about where I go from there.
The first six ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and butter) are constants in all my variations, except for the quantity of sugar. I reduce the sugar to one tablespoon if I’m making savory scones or adding another sweetening agent.
The last four ingredients are variables; replace them with whatever other flavor elements, liquids, and toppings you care to substitute.